Christ The King RC Primary School

Meet the Staff

Year 2A Teacher: Mrs Atkinson
Year 2N Teacher: Mrs Nish (Monday to Thursday)  and Mrs Gallimore (Friday)
Teaching Assistants: Miss Dibben and Miss Osborne 
PPA Teachers: Mrs Fahy and Mr Squire



"God says:

You are precious to me.

I love you.

I know you.

  I know your name.     

I call you by your name.

You are my child."

(Isaiah 43 1:2)

What You Need to Know

In the mornings, classroom doors will open at 8.30am for children to arrive, and then close at 8.45am.

In the afternoons, doors will open at 3.15pm for home time.


To find out more about timetables, homework, and more, please download the Parent Information leaflets below.

Y2A Information Leaflet

Y2N Information Leaflet






PE  this half term will take place on Wednesdays.

Please send your child in their PE kit on the days they do PE. 

 PE kit is a plain white t-shirt with blue or black shorts. Plain black or blue tracksuit bottoms may be worn in the winter.

Please also provide your child with a water bottle to bring to school each day.

Please remember to read a book with your child for at least 5 - 10 minutes every night and sign your child’s reading diary.

Reading with your child- Advice Booklet 

Each Friday, your child will get spellings to revise at home for a spelling test the following Friday.

Please also provide your child with a water bottle to bring to school each day.

Spring 1 

Spring 1 Year 2 Curriculum Overview. 

What We Are Learning About - 

In Maths we will be learning about; 

  • Multiplication and Division
  • Shape 
  • In English, we will be reading the following texts:
  • The Tin Forest by Helena Ward. 
  • The Lumberjacks Beard by Duncan Beedie. 

Please click on the links below to find out more about spelling in KS1:

Year 1 & 2 Spelling

Christ the King the Grand Spell

In Geography, we will be learning about The Journey of Food.


In Science,
we will be learning about Materials. 


In Religion, we will be learning about Special Books.



In Music we learn about the element of  pitch through traditional folk songs. 

In Art we will be learning how to mix paint and media.

Useful Links

Resources for a range of subjects for Year 2 pupils.

A range of maths games.

Phonics games to support your child's reading.

Tips to help support handwriting and cursive formation for Key Stage 1.

Free educational games aimed at children in Key Stage 1 and 2.

Lots of simple games and activities as well as guidance for parents of children.

A variety of literacy based resources suitable for all abilities from EYFS to Year 6.

Boredom busting educational quizzes designed for children in Key Stage 1.

Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU

0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.