Christ The King RC Primary School


"There is an overwhelming sense of belonging, one parent commented, “'We are just one big happy family here'."

                                                                                                                                                                        - Salford Diocese, Section 48 Inspection.

"Religious education is at the core of everything that happens at Christ the King and is visible in every room in the school."

                                                                                                                                                                        - Salford Diocese, Section 48 Inspection.


Christ the King is a Roman Catholic Primary School, which aims to provide a high quality Catholic education for all of our children. Our RE Curriculum is based on the Liturgical Calendar and the schemes of work recommended by the Diocese of Salford, which include Come and See and The Way, The Truth and The Life. Prayer and Liturgy is a large part of school life, taking place both in class, assembly, and during visits to Church. We are privileged to be able to include our parishioners, families, and the community of Christ the King at our Liturgical celebrations.

For more information and guidance about RE, please visit the links below.


Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Overview

Vocabulary Progression

Age Related Expectations EYFS

Age Related Expectations 5-11


Life to the Full: Online Parent Portal

Life to the Full is a programme in Relationship and Health Education for Catholic primary schools throughout the UK. This programme is rooted in a Christian understanding of the human person, based on “A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum” provided by the Catholic Education Service.

The Online Parent Portal contains an overview of the programme, guidance for parents, and activities that can be done at home.

Other faiths

As well as learning about the Catholic faith, we believe it is important for children to explore the beliefs, values and traditions of other religions. To enrich children’s understanding of other faiths, we regularly embark on school trips and host guest speakers.

Recently, Year 6 enjoyed touring the Synagogue and gained fascinating insights into the traditions of Judaism. Manchester Central Mosque also extended a warm welcome to us, and the children learned lots of information on their trip.

We have also enjoyed a visit from Mr. Ali, who spoke to us about his beliefs and the traditions of Islam. It was very interesting and informative. Thank you Mr. Ali!

Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU

0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.