Welcome to Nursery!
Meet the Staff
Teacher: Miss Cullen (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday) Mrs Ibbotson (Wednesday/Thursday/Friday)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gill and Miss Francis
PPA Cover Teacher: Mrs Fleming
What You Need to Know
In the mornings, classroom doors will open at 8.30am for children to arrive. The door will then close at 8.45am and the register will be taken, please ensure your child is arriving on time. In the afternoons, doors will open at 3.15pm for home time.
We ask that you provide your child with a water bottle and make sure they bring it into school everyday. As we are a healthy school, only water is allowed.
Please provide your child with a change of clothes that they can bring into school and leave on their peg. Spare clothes don't need to be school uniform! Please make sure that your child’s name is on all items of clothing so they don’t get lost!
Curriculum Documents
Please have a look at the documents below to find out what we will be learning in Nursery this term.
Spring 1 RE Knowledge Organiser - Celebrating
Spring 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Polar Lands
God says:
You are precious to me.
I love you.
I know you.
I know your name.
You are my child.
Isaiah 43 1:2
In Religion, we will be learning about our local Church. We will be finding out which celebrations take place within a Church, and talking about our own experiences of attending different types of celebrations. We will also be looking inside a Church and talking about the different things we can see.
We will be learning that we are all unique and special and that God loves us all very much. We will be working hard to make the sign of the cross in Nursery and learn our daily prayers. You can help at home by helping your child practice their prayers daily.
In Maths, we will be counting aloud carefully with 1:1 correspondence and developing our awareness of number. We will also be learning to subitise - 'don't count, say the amount'! We will be looking at 2D shapes and matching them to shapes we see in our environment; working hard to learn their names! We will also be learning about measure, ordering things from shortest to tallest and working hard to use the appropriate vocabulary.
Useful Maths Websites:
Communication, Language and Literacy
In Communication, Language and Literacy, we will be learning lots of new vocabulary and trying hard to use the words independently. We will be learning about Polar Lands and the different animals that live there. We will be reading the story 'Peek-a-Boo Penguin' and the 'Emperor's Egg' as well some non-fiction books about penguins and polar bears. We are still working hard to develop our fine motor skills and write the letters in our names.
In Phonics, the children will be learning about rhythm and rhyme as well as instrumental and body sounds. We will be playing a range of games to help the children develop their phonological awareness.
Useful Literacy & Communication Websites:
It is important that the children have the opportunity to share books at home and are read to daily. Below are some ideas to help your child with reading!
Fine Motor Skills
The children will also be developing fine motor skills with mark-making activities to build muscles and control when using a pencil. We will work on these skills through dough disco, paint brushes, chalk, tweezers, and a variety of pencil control activities. It is really important that your child has the correct pencil grip for writing. Share this short video with your child to practise holding a pencil correctly. Encourage them to use their pinchy parrot fingers!
Healthy Teeth
At Christ the King, we want to promote the importance of good oral hygiene. This term, we will be having a visit from the Dental Nurse who will teach us how to take care of our teeth. In Nursery, we brush our teeth daily after lunch using the 'Brush Bus' and regularly talk about the importance of taking care of our teeth.
We would appreciate it if you could share this video with your child and talk about the importance of brushing your teeth in the morning and at night. You can also discuss how different foods and drinks can be good or bad for your teeth. With this in mind, please ensure your child only brings water and healthy snacks to school.
Here is a presentation of Top Toothbrushing Tips:
Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU
0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.