Christ The King RC Primary School

Year 1

 Welcome to Year One!

Meet the Staff:

Y1H - Mrs Higgens 

Y1L - Mrs Henry's and Mrs Fleming

We are also supported by Mrs Fahy, Mrs Southworth  


Please click on the link for your child's class to look at the Parent Information leaflet.  

Y1H Mrs Higgens

 Y1L Mrs Henry's 

Click on the links below to find out more about our curriculum in Year 1:


Religion- Galilee to Jerusalem  

 “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation  that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32) 

In this unit of work, the pupils will develop a simple understanding of Christian beliefs related to how Jesus revealed his true, divine nature through his life and ministry.  They will learn about Jesus' life from his birth in Bethlehem to revelations about his early life,  including the Presentation in the Temple, where Jesus meets Simeon and Anna. They will also learn about others who meet Jesus in his adult life,  including Peter, James and John. From Luke's Gospel, they will retell stories about the people Jesus meets,  who experience the good news of God's love. 



In Mathematics, the children will work on 'Place Value within 20'.  They will develop their knowledge of the number system, focusing on teen numbers and beyond.  They will begin to describe numbers using 'tens and ones'.  

The children will work on 'Addition and Subtraction within 20' They will build on their knowledge of number bonds and use known facts to help them add together two digits and one digit numbers.         

In Year 1 we will continue to work on the 'Mastering Number' programme to support the pupils in developing fluency.  They will use a range of practical resources including numicon, rekenreks and tens frames .  

20-Bead Sensory Rekenrek Place Value Worksheets with Tens and Ones









In Year One,  pupils will need to learn number bonds to make 10. They will need to recall them from memory.  They will have lots of opportunities to practise using equipment like the Numicon shapes shown below. 

In our English lessons this half term we will be reading stories  to inspire our own writing.  We will be reading 'Handa's Surprise' By Eileen Browne and   'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' By Michael Rosen alongside 'We're going on a Lion Hunt' by David Axtell.          

The pupils will continue to attend daily Phonics lessons using the Read, Write, Inc programme to develop their phonic knowledge for reading and spelling.  

We would recommend that children read their home reading book daily to an adult to practise the skills they are learning at school.  


Reading with your child- Parent leaflet

Phonics Screening Check Information for Parents 

We're Going on a Lion Hunt: Axtell, David: 9780333741498:  Books          Handa's Surprise : Browne, Eileen: Books 

                         We're Going on a Bear Hunt: The bestselling classic family favourite :  Rosen, Michael, Oxenbury, Helen: Books 



Watch the video clip from Ruth Miskin, as she explains how we use the phonics programme Read, Write Inc to teach the children in Year 1 to blend and read simple words.  

Here are the common exception words that pupils in Key Stage One learn to read and spell.  Some of these are included on the weekly spelling tests. Here are the spelling lists for Spring 1, the spellings are also uploaded onto Ed Shed for the pupils to practise. 

Spring 1 Group 1

Spring 2 Group 2   

Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU

0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.